A 30N will assess astrocyte- and dendritic cell (DC)-specific function of the deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) OTUD7B in the course of experimental cerebral malaria (ECM). The project aims to identify (1) the interaction partners of OTUD7B in astrocytes and DCs, (2) the type of ubiquitin modification and (3) the structural domains necessary for OTUD7B function. A 30N will further aid the understanding of signal transduction and intercellular immune cell communication in a clinically relevant model of CNS infection. A 30N will cooperate with other CRC 854 projects having expertise in NF-kB signaling (A 04), DUBs (A 05), CNS infection (A 25, A 28N), astrocyte biology (A 29N) and 2-photon microscopy (B 31N, Z01).