Graduate School "Molecular organization of cellular communication within the immune system"
The Research Training Group 854 (MGK 854) supports the structured and sustainable education of PhD students within the Collaborative Research Center CRC 854. It supports the interdisciplinary collaboration between the connective research areas Immunology, Inflammation research and Neuroscience and thereby effectively increases the international scientific competitiveness and visibility of our PhD students.
The training program of the MGK includes extensive scientific training and develops key skills to prepare the junior scientists to broad career perspectives.
Further, the MGK 854 facilitates the scientific interaction between research institutions at the 'Otto-von-Guericke University' and the 'Leibniz-Institute for Neurobiology' in Magdeburg, as well as the 'Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research' in Braunschweig and the 'Freie Universität' in Berlin.