Mass Spectrometry Workshop
11th - 15th of March 2017
Speaker: PD Dr. Thilo Kähne (Institute of Experimental Internal Medicine, OvGU, OvGU)
Topics: General introduction to mass spectometry and proteomic applications, guided measurements on MALDI-TOF/TOF and ESI iontrap mass spectometers, spectra analysis, data processing & interpretation
Optimizing writing strategies to get research published in English
15th - 17th of February 2017
Speaker: Prof. Monique Dorang, Freelancer in Academic Writing
Topics: Writing as an academic, author responsibility and reader focus, structure and language features of scientific texts, academic text production
Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice
8th - 9th of December 2016
Speaker: Helga Nolte, CoachInScience (Hamburg)
Genetic Engineering Safety Regulations (GenTSV)
15th - 16th of November 2016
Speaker: Dr. Erwin Grund, Helmholtz-Centre for Infectious Diseases (Braunschweig)
Topics: Advanced training course based on §15 GenTSV
Professional Perspectives with a PhD-Career Opportunities for female Scientists
29th of April 2016
Speaker: Barbara Hoffbauer – KEPOS GmbH
(for female PhD students)
Conference Presentation: Engaging the listener in your talk
14th - 15th of April 2016
Speaker: Ric Oquita (ImpulsPlus)
Topics: Practice your "pitch", engaging the audience in one´s talk, improving body language and communication, effectively promoting oneself
Imaging & Microscopy Workshop
15th - 17th of March 2016
Speakers: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Müller & Dr. rer. nat Monika Riek-Burchardt (Institute of Molecular and Clinical Immunology, OvGU Magdeburg), Dr. rer. nat. Werner Zuschratter (Leibniz-Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg), Dr. rer nat. Sönke Weinert (Department of Cardiology, Angiology and Pneumology)
Topics: Introduction of different advanced techniques in microscopy, laser-scanning microscopy (confocal and multiphoton), high-resolution and quantitative analysis, practical exercises using ImageJ
Biostatistics Workshop
3rd - 4th of December 2015
Organized by: PD Dr. Ekkekard Glimm, IQS Statistical Methodology, Novartis Pharma (Basel,Schwitzerland)
Genetic Engineering Safety Regulations (GenTSV)
11th - 12th of November 2015
Speaker: Dr. Erwin Grund, Helmholtz-Centre for Infectious Diseases (Braunschweig)
Topics: Advanced training course based on §15 GenTSV
Mass Spectrometry Workshop
24th - 26th of March 2015
Speaker: PD Dr. Thilo Kähne (Institute of Experimental Internal Medicine, OvGU)
Topics: General introduction to mass spectometry and proteomic applications, guided measurements on MALDI-TOF/TOF and ESI iontrap mass spectometers, spectra analysis, data processing & interpretation. Please find the entire program here.
Optimizing writing strategies to get research published in English
18th - 20th of February 2015
Speaker: Prof. Monique Dorang, Freelancer in Academic Writing
Topics: Writing as an academic, author responsibility and reader focus, structure and language features of scientific texts, academic text production. Please find the entire program here.
Imaging Workshop
11th - 13th of November 2014
Speakers: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Müller & Dr. rer. nat Monika Riek-Burchardt (Institute of Molecular and Clinical Immunology, OvGU Magdeburg), Dr. rer. nat. Werner Zuschratter (Leibniz-Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg)
Topics: Introduction of different advanced techniques in microscopy, basics of light microscopy (live cell imaging with wide field), laser-scanning microscopy (confocal and multiphoton), high-resolution and analysis. Please find the entire program here.
Genetic Engineering Safety Regulations (GenTSV)
17th - 18th of November 2014
Speaker: Dr. Erwin Grund, Helmholtz-Centre for Infectious Diseases (Braunschweig)
Topics: Advanced training course based on §15 GenTSV
Speaker: Petra Beyer, Helmholtz-Centre for Infectious Diseases (Braunschweig)
Topics: Handling laboratory mice, safety instructions, animal welfare law, surgical procedures, autopsy instructions etc.