Our lectures are organised with the Else Kröner-Forschungskolleg. Our lectures will give a detailed insight into immunology focussing on intra- and intercellular cell communication and state-of-the-art techniques, complemented by general aspects of biomedical research.
Our lectures occur once every four weeks on Tuesday, from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm at the IMKI seminar room on the 2nd floor in H26 (IMKI). The complete program can be found here as a PDF.
In addtion we offer particpation in the the ABINEP lecture series. The lectures are held tuesdays, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm, seminar room (top floor), house 13. The complete program of the lecture series can be found here.
17.10.2017: Optimization of antibodies in germinal centre reactions in silico and in vivo
Prof. Dr. Michael Meyer-Hermann (HZI)
14.11.2017: Insights into sterile inflammation in diabetic nephropathy reveal new therapeutic opportunities
Prof. Dr. Berend Isermann (IKCP) OvGU
28.11.2017: Mechanical properties of liver tissue in diagnostics of liver diseases
PD Dr. Cora Wex Postponed to Dezember 19th, 2017!
12.12.2017: Innate immune response against viral infections in the brain
Prof. Dr. Andrea Kröger (IMMB) OvGU
09.01.2018: Mucosal surfaces: more than a mechanical barrier! -Verschoben auf den 17. April 2018!
Prof. Dr. Dunja Bruder (IMMB/HZI) OvGU
23.01.2018: Cancer modelling - verschoben auf den 27.02.2019!!!
Prof. Dr. Johannes Haybäck (IPA) OvGU
06.02.2018: Inflammation and integrin activation in hematologic cancer
Prof. Dr. Thomas Fischer (KHAE) OvGU
20.02.2018: Endoscopic Imaging in precancerous and cancerous lesions of the larynx
Prof. Dr. Christoph Arens (KHNO) OvGU
06.03.2018: Neuroinflammation after stroke
Dr. Monika Riek-Burchardt (IMKI) OvGU
03.04.2018: Regulation of T-cell activation
Prof. Dr. Luca Simeoni (IMKI) OvGU
17.04.2018: Mucosal surfaces: more than a mechanical barrier!
Prof. Dr. Dunja Bruder (IMMB/HZI) OvGU
08.05.2018: Integrin signaling
Dr. Stefanie Kliche (IMKI) OvGU
05.06.2018: Modulation of Protein Translation: a Key to Disease Treatment?
Prof. Dr. Daniela Dieterich (IPT) OvGU - verschoben auf den 19.6.2018!
10.07.2018: NF-kB
Prof. Dr. Michael Naumann (IEIM) OvGU
Past events can be found here: 2016/2017 2015/2016 2014/2015