Photos: Elke Lindner, Alexander Lepp und Martina Beyrau
On May 20th, the 12th „Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft“ took place in Magdeburg. This year, the doctoral students of the MGK 854 came up with something special. In keeping with the theme of “the language of immune cells”, the future scientists learned about the immune system. On the Malstraße, the children learned about immune cells and painted them on buttons that they could take home. The students of the Teddy Clinic patched up lots of plush patients and showed the birthing place of immune cells on teddy bears. Anyone who was interested in performing a small but real experiment could isolate strawberry DNA. Of course, afterwards they proudly brought the isolated DNA home. The rush of visitors showed that the program was very popular among the younger visitors. Maybe we’ll see a few of them in 10 to 15 years as masters students in M. Sc. Immunology!