Symposium "The Immune System and Inflammation"
Opening address of newly-appointed professors with the research focus "Immunology and Molecular Medicine of Inflammation" for the medical faculty of the OvGU
Steffen Borrmann (Molecular Microbiology)
"Malaria: eine globale Bedrohung"
Dunja Bruder (Infektion Immunology)
"Grenzflächenimmunologie: Immunregulation in der Lunge bei Infektion und Autoimmunität"
Berend Isermann (Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry)
"Gerinnungsproteasen regulieren die zelluläre Homeostase"
Inna Lavrik (Translational Inflammation Research)
"Systems biology of apoptosis: live and let die"
Ingo Schmitz (System-Oriented Imunology and Inflammation Research)
"Der Tod mittem im Leben - Apoptose im Immunsystem"
Thomas Schüler (Molekulare Immunology)
"Mechanismen zur Regulation der T-Zell Homöostase"
Ulrike Seifert (Immunomodulation)
"Das Immunoproteasom - Schaltstelle zwischen Immunabwehr und zellulärer Ballance"
When and where:
Magdeburg, 18.10.2012, 16:00 Uhr
OVGU, Medical Campus, Central Lecture Hall (Hause 22)
Leipziger Str. 44, 39120 Magdeburg
Medical faculty of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
in cooperation with the DFG-Collaborative Research Center 854