GC-I³ Paper of the Year 2016 - the Award Winners!

In 2016, the Health Campus Immunology, Infectiology and Inflammation called for applications for the “GC-I³ Paper of the Year” for the first time. Many members of the GC-I³ submitted papers, which made it very hard for the jury to choose the best three of the fourteen applications. These three were announced on March 21st at the yearly general assembly of the GC-I³ and received their certificates from Prof. Dr. Thomas Fischer, the leading speaker of the Health Campus.

Third place was awarded to Dr. Daniel Lipka for his published work “Prolonged cellular midostaurin retention suggests potential alternative dosing strategies for FLT3-ITD-positive leukemias” in Leukemia. This work was carried out in the Department of Hematology and Oncology. This study laid the groundwork for future clinical studies on the administration of the tyrosinekinase inhibitor midostaurin as an additional chemotherapy for patients with acute myeloic leukemia. His results showed that a high dosage with a long interval between dosages could be effective. This type of dosing could improve the effectiveness while simultaneously reducing side effects.

Second place was awarded to Shrey Kohli, a doctoral student in the Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry.  His work “Maternal extracellular vesicles and platelets promote preeclampsia via inflammosome activation in trophoblasts” was published in Blood and concerned the causes of preclampsia, a life-threatening disease for both mother and child, which occurs in 3 to 5 % of all pregnancies.  The scientist identified an important disease-causing mechanism, which causes a sterile inflammatory reaction in the cells of the placenta.  Through this, new therapeutics can be developed for this so far difficult to treat pregnancy complication. 

Publikationspreisträger 2016

From left to right: Prof. Fischer awards the prizes (with an endowment of 1000 €, 500 € and 250 €) to Dr. Vilchez-Vargas, coauthor of the paper awarded with first place, Mr. Kohli and Dr. Lipka.

The winner of this year’s competition, which includes a 1000 € endowment, is Dr. Christian Schulz. His work was the result of his two year clinical leave at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig (HZI) in the research group “Microbial Interactions and Processes” lead by Prof. Dr. Dietmar Pieper. This young doctor was able to take a temporary leave from his clinical responsibilities in the Department of Gastroenerology, Hepatology, and Infectiology through a Gerok position of the Collaborative Research Center 854, the GC-I³ and the HZI. These positions finance the deployment of doctors interested in scientific research to research groups for basic research in order to strengthen translational research. The result of this research is the publication of “The active bacterial assemblages of the upper GI tract in individuals with or without Helicobacter infection” in the prestigious journal Gut. In this article, it was shown how an infection with the stomach germ Helicobacter pylori influences the composition of bacterial colonization of the stomach as well as the duodenum. Dr. Schulz elucidated: “Through a detailed investigation of the entire digestive system, we could show that the bacterial colonization of the oral cavity influences the microbiome of the entire digestive system and could also be jointly responsible for susceptibility to Helicobacter pylori infections. These relationships must be investigated in more detail.” Ultimately, researchers want to know why a bacteria that is in every other human has little effect on some people but has fatal consequences in others such as stomach ulcers and stomach cancer.

With these prizes, the GC-I³ showed its appreciation for the superb work from these three young scientists. Due to the positive response to the competition, the GC-I³ will again be awarding three prizes for Paper of the Year in 2017. More details can be found here.

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